Portfolio item number 1
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Short description of portfolio item number 2
Published in Comparative Education Review, 2017
Recommended citation: Carnoy, M., Marotta, L., Louzano, P., Khavenson, T., Recch, F., & Carnauba, F. (2017). Intranational comparative education: What state differences in student achievement can teach us about improving education—the case of Brazil. Comparative Education Review, 61(4), 726-759.
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Published in Brazilian Political Science Review, 2019
Recommended citation: Machado, C. A., Campos, L. A., & Recch, F. (2019). Race and Competitiveness in Brazilian Elections: Evaluating the Chances of Black and Brown Candidates through Quantile Regression Analysis of Brazil's 2014 Congressional Elections. Brazilian Political Science Review, 13(3), e0005.
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Published in Las llaves de la educación: Estudio comparado sobre la mejora de los sistemas educativos subnacionales en América Latina. - Libro Uno, 2020
Recommended citation: Rivas, A., Scasso, M., Sánchez, B., Beech, J., Barrenechea, I., Recch, F., ... & Balarin, M. (2020). Las llaves de la educación: Estudio comparado sobre la mejora de los sistemas educativos subnacionales en América Latina.
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Published in Las llaves de la educación: Estudio comparado sobre la mejora de los sistemas educativos subnacionales en América Latina. - Libro Dos, 2021
Recommended citation: Recch, Filipe, Lopes, V. B. S., & Hoogerbrugge, L. (2021). Superando las adversidades: Cómo Ceará y Pernambuco se convirtieron en una referencia de las políticas educativas de Brasil. In Las llaves de la educación: Estudio comparado sobre la mejora de los sistemas educativos subnacionales en América Latina- libro dos. Fundación Santillana.
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Published in Examining Educational Policy in Latin America, 2021
Recommended citation: Recch, F., Lopes, V. B. S., & Hoogerbrugge, L. (2021). From Structural Reforms to Controversial Changes: The Education Policy Landscape in Brazil. In Examining Educational Policy in Latin America (pp. 58-74). Routledge.
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Published in Latin America in times of turbulance, 2023
Recommended citation: Inácio, M., Recch, F., & Valencia, C. G. (2023). The Power of the Administrative Decisions of Latin American Presidents. Latin America in Times of Turbulence: Presidentialism under Stress, 75.
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Published in Epidemics, 2023
Recommended citation: Recch, F., Petherick, A., Hinton, R., Nagesh, R., Furst, R., & Goldszmidt, R. (2023). Education data needs and challenges for building back from COVID-19. Epidemics, 43, 100673.
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Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.
Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.